Our corporate and commercial practice caters to both local and foreign clientele, including foreign clientele wishing to establish a presence in Singapore for their business. Our Directors have also represented a wide spectrum of clients ranging from small and medium enterprises to multi-national corporations. In addition, our Directors have been involved in specialised projects such as advising a major multi-national corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange on the local aspects of a world-wide de-merger and a merger. For clients who require support for ventures in foreign jurisdictions, our practice has forged close alliances with law firms in other jurisdictions to facilitate the cross-border and international transactions we undertake for our clients.
We also provide, through our corporate secretarial and administrative services arm, a complete range of corporate secretarial and administrative services such as incorporation of companies both in Singapore and various foreign jurisdictions and provision of a company secretary for Singapore incorporated companies.
We also provide advice in relation to structuring of both corporate and personal holding companies which utilise off-shore companies in low or nil tax havens for clients in jurisdictions such as Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands.
Our areas of expertise include: